Mountain Militia


Tryouts will be held at the Stephen C. West Ice Arena in Breckenridge, CO

10-11:30 AM - Skills/Small Area/Scrimmage

1:15-2:15 PM - Scrimmage

2:30-3:30 PM - Scrimmage


Girls team will not have tryouts on March 2nd

SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 11:15-12:30 PM - Stephen C. West Ice Arena

SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2:15-3:30 PM - Stephen C. West Ice Arena

Mountain Militia is hosting tryouts for the Spring 2025 season on March 2 at the Stephen C. West Ice Arena in Breckenridge. Tryouts will begin as early as 9:30 AM on that Sunday. The cost is $75.

We will have a makeup Tryout Date for those players playing in the State Tournament on March 9

Cody Aidala

Mountain Militia Director


Spring Season Information

Militia will be fielding up to 2 Co-Ed teams and 1 Girls team to participate in the High Plains Hockey League. The HPHL season will begin the weekend of March 15th and will conclude with playoffs the weekend of May 12th. 

Each team will carry up to 18 skaters and 2 goalies. A practice team will be offered for both co-ed and girls teams with the potential opportunity to get games based on needs. 

Girls Team Note:

If the girls' team has less than 15 players at tryouts, the girls' team may be eliminated. In the past, the girl's team has played far too many games with 6-8 skaters, creating an experience that was less than ideal for those involved.

Please understand that if chosen for a team, the Mountain Militia staff and coaches expect that players who accept their team's roster spot are COMMITTED to being at HPHL games and their showcase.

Season Team Fees:

Tryouts: $75

  • March 2, Times (TBD)

T1 (Varsity): $1,100

T2 (JV/Varsity): $1,100

T1/T2 Practice: $200 base + $50 per HPHL game played

Girls: $750

Girls Practice: $200 base + $50 per game played


Season Start: March 8

Season End: May 12

Girls Mountain Militia Update

The Mountain Militia Girls program currently has 8 skaters and 1 goalie. We are looking to expand our roster by adding 3 to 5 more skaters. Our goal is to have a comfortable team size ahead of the upcoming spring season. If you know any interested players, please encourage them to join us before the February 28 deadline.

Here are a few important updates for the season:

- Please note that we will not be holding a tryout for the team on March 2.

- The team is scheduled to have its first practice on either March 8 or 9 in Breckenridge; specific times will be confirmed later.

- All players will receive a refund of their $75 tryout fee within the next few days.

- The total cost of participation in this program for the season is $750, with payment plans available.

- We will share the game schedules during the week of March 3, followed by practice schedules.

The season officially kicks off on March 8, and the playoffs in Denver are scheduled for May 9-11.

- Please note that there will be no games held from March 21-23.

Spring Temporary Schedule

  • March 2 - Tryouts (BOYS/YOUTH ONLY)
  • March 9 - Practice
  • March 15-16 - Practice/Games
  • March 22-23 - Games
  • March 29-30 - Games
  • April 5 - No Games/Practices
  • April 6 - Practice/Games
  • April 12-13 - No Games/Practices
  • April 19 - Practice/Games
  • April 20 - No Games/Pracitces
  • April 26-27 - Games
  • May 3-4 - Games
  • May 9-11 - Playoffs in Denver



HPHL Registration


HPHL Registration

  • You will either need to log into your Sportsengine account or create a new account. Log in/create account links are in the upper left corner of the page.
  • The account MUST be in a parent's name. You will not be able to register the account holder as a player.
  • You can register multiple players from your account.
  • Make sure you enter an accurate and valid email address for at least one parent/guardian. This email will be used for league communication.
  • Be sure to enter the school the player actually attends.
  • If the player is homeschooled, attends an online, private, charter, or open-enrollment school, you will also need to enter the public school attendance area the player lives in.
  • If the school is not listed, look for the "not listed" option at the top of the list. Checking that will allow you to enter the actual school in the next box.
  • Once registered a team representative will contact you regarding tryouts and required paperwork.


Players must attend high school in Colorado or Wyoming. Players on out-of-state teams who return to a Colorado/Wyoming high school in the spring are eligible. Players must also be enrolled in ALL 9th-grade level or higher classes. Eligibility for HPHL is determined solely by grade level, not birth date, ability, or size. Players in 8th grade during the spring season are not eligible.


Practices will be scheduled after Tryouts, these will take place on Friday nights before games on the weekends.

Mandatory Credentials and Paperwork

Mandatory Credentials and Paperwork

Players born in 2004 or earlier will need to complete Safe Sport Training prior to being added to a roster. If this was done during the fall or winter seasons it is still valid and does not need to be redone. 

  • The "Required Core Training" course can be accessed here. Do not take the Youth Athlete Training courses, as they do not meet this requirement.
  • Be sure to use your USAH confirmation number to log into the MyHockeyHQ Portal on the USAH site.

Each player will need to provide the following to their team manager:

  • First semester grades on school letterhead showing a 2.0 or above (for the semester, not cumulative) and no F’s. Contact the team manager or club coordinator if not currently grade eligible for further instructions.
  • School ID. The grade report with player's name and school listed can be used as school id as long as it is from the Colorado or Wyoming HS that will be used for team assignment. If the initial grade report is from a different HS, then a copy of the Colorado or Wyoming HS ID will be needed.

NEW FOR 2025 - Summer Militia Developmental Team

Mountain Militia is excited to announce our Summer 2025 Developmental Teams. We will be fielding two teams: an 18U team for players born in 2007 and 2008, and a 16U team for players born in 2009 and 2010. These teams will compete in three tournaments over the summer and participate in two training camp weekends with the Mountain Militia coaching staff in Breckenridge, CO.

Below is information about our current program offering.

  • Cost is $1250 per player
  • Players born in 2007-2010 will be eligible to participate
  • We will have 18U and 16U Team
  • Players participating in Spring Mountain Militia will have first opportunities to play on these teams if they are in good standing.
  • Current Training Camp and Tournament List Dates
  • May 17 - Practice/Tryouts
  • May 24-25 - Practice (5 Hours of Development)
  • May 30-June 1 - Chicago Tournament
  • June 12 - Practice in Denver
  • June 13-15 - Denver Tournament
  • June 28-29 - Practice (5 Hours of Development)
  • July 12 - Practice - Updated as of March 20
  • July 18-20 - Las Vegas Tournament - Updated as of March 20
  • We will sign teams up at the AA level
  • We are still finalizing some minor details with the program and will be sure to share these with you in the next couple of weeks.

2025 Spring Militia

Mountain Militia is open to all Colorado Mountain Hockey players who are currently enrolled in High School and are playing CHSAA, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Junior Hockey.

Cody Aidala
Mountain Militia Director

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